Sunday 16 November 2014

Issue 4 "A Handmade Christmas" OUT NOW!!!!

Exciting news!

Our super special Christmas Issue is now available for you to order! 
Filled with festive crafts, recipes, music, stories and more, Issue 4 is titled "a handmade magazine, celebrating a handmade Christmas".... because we believe that Christmas shouldn't be about consumerism, but instead it can be celebrated beautifully and simply when we make it about handmade, simple traditions and thinking about others. 
We have made this Issue with the hope that it will encourage us all to rethink how we celebrate Christmas. We have had some fabulous contributions from crafters, musicians, and writers near and far who celebrate Christmas in their own unique way. We have kept many of our regular features, while making a few changes to suit our Christmas theme. 
We do hope you enjoy reading it as much as we have had making it. We both love Christmas, and so this particular issue holds a special place in our hearts!! To order your copy, head to our online store today (we tend to sell out pretty fast these days!!) 
Love Mezz and Taz xo

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